Friday, October 28, 2011

We have a Hater!

We at State Controlled Media have lives. We have responsibilities, children and many other diversions that occupy our time. Often we cut corners in order to get posts up. This practice has earned us a scathing unflattering review. WE LOVED IT! It is not often that we get recognized for anything so it is welcome and well received, we are not changing anything. I doesn’t matter if you hate us as long as you DO AS WE SAY follow us. Two of our contributing editors said this type of behavior labels a person a troll. Example of troll:
It was suggested our response should be to say nothing that we should  follow the axiom “Please do not feed the trolls”. This is an impossibility for SCM so the only agreed apon recourse was to say Trolololololololol. Apparently this is some sort of magic incantation meant to ward off these people. It doesn’t matter, The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor loves everyone the same amount (little to none). So welcome Haters, trolls, lurkers, hecklers, flamers, griefers, hit-and-runers… you have a home here, you will be fed and you will eat well.