Friday, October 28, 2011

SCM Endorses DIVA

The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor
Has decided it is time for State Controlled Media to branch out. So we have decided to Endorse products, places, events and people even without any requests. Hey it’s what we do.
o    State Controlled Media now has its own official Cantatrice (that’s opera singer, we had to look it up too). Dr. Bethany Kiral who is a soprano and    can sing a little over 3 octaves. D3, the D that is almost an octave below middle C on a piano to F7, that's the f above high C, the highest note in the Queen of the Night....but she would NEVER sing that high public...the highest she has ever sang publicly was D7-the lowest was E-flat3. Dr. Kiral also told us there are many other things she would never do in public, but apparently associating with us is not one of them. Dr. Kiral is currently on a European tour so if you happen to be in Germany go see her (if our endorsement doesn’t end her career). Now, you may ask, is she good?  Well, we decided to let you hear from SCM’s own opera critic (who happens to be 7 years old) “she sings pretty but it hurts…”
So now State Controlled Media is involved with the opera…We got culture B!T(H!!!!!!