Friday, November 11, 2011

She's Here! And Her Message is...

This is what it does:
She says if you want one of those awesome shirts all you have to do is:

Adopt a soldier or send a care package or buy a vet lunch or do something to show you care. After that then you can buy a shirt. 

Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor Note:

A BIG State Controlled Media thank you to all who served and are serving in the Armed Forces. You put your lives on the line for freedom and regardless of political points of view  your sacrifice honors us all. Please today thank a VET:
Also take a moment and think about all the family members left behind; especially wives, husbands and children. Our service men and women are not in alone and many times family are left while the spouse is deployed. They are not paid by the military but they are in it just the same. Bless All of you!

Note: if you would like to send care packages or adopt a soldier email us.