Thursday, November 10, 2011

Either way we all win...

The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor is obsessed with our international traffic. Last night he woke the neighbors with shouts of joy. During one of his many late night trips to urinate he checked the blog traffic on his way back to bed, he found that we had a new country to list so in honor of them he wanted to list some of his favorite things from that country.
So here it is:
Once we saw the country and the list we had to give the PSBE a clarification.
PSBE: You mean…this:

US: yes.
At this point the PSBE could only think of the meatballs and this:
So we pointed out a few wonderfull things about the country:
And best of all:
So the SCM informal comparison of the Swiss and Swedish culture that happened accidentally results in a sweedish victory. Welcome to SCM Sweden!