Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We at State Controlled Media have jobs. These jobs prevent us from working on the blog full time. Even the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor has to work for a living. Often our content is a tad rushed or in short supply. But, when we take longer to do posts and original or slightly un-original pictures you people complain the posts are not coming fast enough. Fair enough. The consensus is quanaty over quality and let us tell you we know how to sacrifice quality; most of us at SCM work for the government! So we will strive to bring you the most mediocre content we can and do it quickly!
Thank you for your continued support.
Note from contributing editors: Things that work also interrupts…
Sleeping, gaming, sloth, recreational drug use, alcoholism (editor note: no it doesn’t), hangovers, unprotected sexual encounters (editor note: only a little), smoking after said encounters, work avoidance, talking to yourself, looking for another job, online classes, Sudoku, vacation, talking on the phone/texting, napping, meditation, and stalking.