Thursday, November 10, 2011

Free stuff--almost...

We at State Controlled Media had a meeting last night. We were focused on ways to generate traffic to the website (the comment: “write better material” was not appreciated Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor). Coming up with good material is nice but if no one is going to the site then it is wasted. We have decided to just keep doing the bare minimum. We decided on a subscriber drive.  Now that we decided on what to call it we still had no idea how to achieve it. So the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor did what he does best; he stole an idea. The first ten new subscribers will get a free 5 year subscription to State Controlled Media. For every person you get to subscribe you will get an additional year free subscription up to a cap of twenty-five years. Avery person you sign up will also get a free year and they will get a year for every person they sign up.
All you have to do for this glorious prize is hit the “join this site” button. It’s that easy. So good luck!
Update: We work on the honor system so just tell us how many people you have signed up and we will believe you.

Update #2: here is a picture of the only way to deal with a cat: