Sunday, January 8, 2012

Another True Story...

Daughter PSBE declared her interest in ice skating. After her first few incursions into the rink she asked the PSBE if he would go skating with her. The PSBE thought about it, it had been 29 years since he had been on the ice so he thought “this is a good idea”.

So The PSBE donned skates for the first time since pre-school.  At first everything went well. He was doing better than Daughter PSBE (That’s right we are bragging about skating better than a 6 year old). The crowd largely seemed to ignore him and with the waving of his arms they made an effort to stay away. Then the PSBE came to a part of the ice where a girl was spinning none stop. She spinned so much the he was getting nauseous just watching her. Also here was a boy who wold get to full speed and either slam into the boards or lay out on the ice in a catastrophic way. It would not slow him down and he would be back up in a blink of an eye. In fact the only person he didn’t hit was the spinning girl.

Minding his own business (and thumbing his nose at gravity {See the SCM rules of life}) the PSBE started around the spinning girl.  Just when he thought he was clear the boy who feared no pain came from behind:
 As the PSBE was watching his skates go toward the ceiling he thought “this is going to hurt”.

And it did..what hurt more was the spinning girl slowed enough to laugh at the PSBE on his but. The laugh caught the attention of almost the whole rink.

The PSBE Rose to his feet as if he were resurrected and chase to two offenders down and smited them…

NO he didn’t he sulked off the ice rubbing his behind.

***UPDATE*** It has been sugjested and we agree that "this is a good idea" be added to the potential famous last words of the PSBE.