Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Numbers Are In!

It has been thirty-days since the People's Blog powered by State Controlled Media became operational. Since then we have received 1,000 hits to the blog. We don't know if this is good or not but we like to pat ourselves on the back so we are going to act like it is. So, YEAH!!!! We do think we can do better. It seems a lot of you do not read the blog between 9:30 pm and 5:00 am. Also most of you neglect it on Sundays. Apparently, a lot of you prefer to work during the day instead of checking for updates and re-reading previous entries. We promise to deliver a lot of Great good ok stuff for you to peruse each week. Our goal is to give two to three things to read each day, except on Sundays as you are not reading it anyway, or at least a neat picture. Also since we went PG-13 we promise that if you keep coming back we will post more picture of half-naked people. As always, follow State Controlled Media; don't make this harder than it has to be.

UPDATE: It has been suggested by a contributing editor that our numbers are purely a result of the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor checking the blog obsessively to see how many hits it has. The PSBE has declared this as an impossibility so ignore it.