Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We At State Controlled Media have always been fascinated by the phrase, hindsight is 20/20. The premise is that you can see your mistakes clearly when you are throught the situation which induced you to have to make a decision in the first place. We have a few problems with this; first and foremost is when does anyone ever admit to having made a mistake? To be reflective on something you have to be able to admit you may have done something incorrect in the first place; doesn’t happen. Second, this phrase is usually uttered by someone who is reviewing what you or someone else has done. Example: “I see what you did there, but shouldn’t have stuck your hand in there, but hindsight is 20/20…” or “hindsight being 20/20 that is not how you use a vacuum cleaner.” It is just a polite way of saying you are a dumbass and you have no idea what you are doing. If you do look back and reflect it, it is never really what happened. Memories are subjective and we never fully appreciate the circumstances. It’s like looking at a box from only one side and telling everyone what the box looks like. Really, since when does getting further away from something help you see it more clearly? Usually it gets more difficult to see things the further you get from them and then you are left with just your memories and as we all know the further you get from the event the less horrible it seems; like child birth. We could be wrong, we’ll let you know. In hindsight.

Next up an examination of the phrase “Like a Mug.” A request from Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor.