Friday, November 4, 2011

Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi

A contributing editor suggested that the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor’s Canada fixation borders on obsessive. But we feel that it is important to incorporate our brothers to the north before we can expect the rest of the world to SUBMIT TO OUR AUTHORITY AND HAVE THEIR SPIRT CRUSHED UNDER THE WIEGHST OF OUR IMPOSSING BOOT PRESSED ON THE JUGULAR OF THEIR FREE WILL AND EVERYONE WILL DO AS WE SAY get to enjoy our missives. So, this is one final plea to our followers to encourage Canadians to get with the program. We decided to show ou another reason why we want Canada involved…we really like their flag:
Oh…the Title of the post is a shameless attempt to get more Australian hits to the site, sorry.