Thursday, November 3, 2011

Big Numbers = Big Thanks

We at State Controlled Media are happy to announce an all time record was set yesterday. Traffic to the site was historic (not to hard considering we have only been up and running for a month). The hits received were 15% of the hits we received all time. Not too shabby-that’s what we are telling ourselves. We are also happy to announce that SCM has been viewed in three additional countries since our global post. Still no Canada though. I mean c’mon! Malaysia found us…Malaysia. We could understand Mexico due to the language differences and our general misunderstanding of all things Mexican.
What we think Mexico looks like:
So what’s the holdup Canuckers? Get with the program. If you are a follower of SCM and either know a Canadian or you are a Canadian, have someone in Canada look us up. And we will fly the Canadian flag over SCM headquarters with the rest of them. And while we are at it, hello, Micronesia what no internet there???  
It falls to you, our loyal followers to get the word out. We can’t do it alone. Besides why should you be the only people to suffer?