Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seriously people it was a joke...

In a previous post we suggested we were going to examine the phrase "like a mug". We at State Controlled Media never had any intention of examining the phrase in detail.Any explanation you need can be found at the Urban Dictionary, if you ignore all the references to coffe mugs. Then we got to thinking when have we ever turned down an opportunity to subvert the English language and local colloquialisms to advance our sinister benevolent agenda.So, let's look at it.

Like a mug literally means "like a mother f-er (remember we are pg-13)" as in "that hurt like a mug!" It was very popular in the early 90's when people took pains not to curse in public.It occurred to us that an entire generation could see this differently; the could think it means "like a muggle".

So we decided that it does mean like a muggle; more specifically like a muggle f-er.Hey we have to be edgy. I know the Harry Potter refereance probably turned half our dedicated readership away (both of you), still if would be worth it if we gained a small percentage of the Harry Potter fan base. In fact, we figured the more we say Harry Potter the more traffic search engines will point to us for having said Harry Potter or muggle.

Oh and Justin Bieber